每周评论精选/Weekly review selection 2017.05.02 – 2017.05.08

2020-12-06 15:30:33 57







6.看起来很完美啊 但是一个场地里可以做这么多东西么……

There is a thousand Hamlet in a thousand people. Every reader's life experience and value orientation are different, so their understanding of architecture is naturally different. baubaus selects 6 comments this week to bring you a different perspective on architecture. Contending of a hundred schools of thought can promote academic growth. Why not actively participate in the discussion and wait for your doubts to be answered.

1. Piranesi's one has been thinking about it for a long time but is too lazy to move, and someone actually did it. It's awesome!

2. I like the internal diversified space. On the one hand, the internal independent and connected learning and activity spaces are organized by the organization of different activities and the diversification of the learning space. On the other hand, it is highly integrated with the urban environment, which is great

3. The location of the building is really in line with the ecological nature of the building. It can be hidden in nature. It is not easy to find when you look at it from a distance. It is amazing when you suddenly find it when you walk in.

4. The combination of materials and textures is a highlight, and the glass box is well constructed, making the entire space very lightweight!

5. Very transparent and concise works without losing the details. Such an environment makes people feel ethereal and clean. Worried about hygiene will be more troublesome, haha

6. It looks perfect, but can so many things be done in one venue...

There is a thousand Hamlet in a thousand people. Every reader's life experience and value orientation are different, so their understanding of architecture is naturally different. baubaus selects 6 comments this week to bring you a different perspective on architecture.

